San Diego International Triathlon...According to my mom, "since when did you get so tough?!!"

June 27th was quite an experience for me. I actually participated in an international distance triathlon. First one of the season as a matter of fact.

We had to bring our bikes to the transition area the day before. so once i racked my bike, I took a few pictures from my phone.

Here's my bike: the white one with the blue handlebars #1034
 Still trying to think of ways to make it a little more aggressive and a little less girly.. Any suggestions?

The following day, we got up at 3:45am and ate a pretty hearty breakfast... oatmeal with honey and bananas, blueberries, and almond butter (straight from the spoon)...


1/2 cup Bob's Red Mill GLUTEN-FREE Oatmeal
1 cup of water
splash of milk (use regular milk, coconut milk, almond milk, whatever you desire, just make sure it is organic)
1-2 tsp of maple syrup

In a medium pot add water and bring to a boil.
Stir in the oatmeal and lower the heat to a simmer.
15 minutes later, you've got oatmeal.
put in a bowl, add in milk and maple syrup.

I add in the following fruit to make it even better:

Yum! this is one breakfast that fills you up and has a ton of fiber in it.
Luckily, we had a few hours to digest before the race.

Below.. the boys gettin' ready with some tight wetsuits..

this was an in water start... i'm somewhere in the mass of purple caps

 and the start..... notice the "slight" splashing of my group (purple caps) as opposed to the large slashes of the guys group (light blue caps)...

me running out of the water....
and into the bike transition... for serious, running in cleats made me almost slip and fall.. haha
and onto the final leg of RUNNING!  my worst of the 3.... but happy... i apparently wasn't pushing myself hard enough.

YAY. DONE!!! Left to Right: Mark, Brian, and Stephen... Way to go boys! (notice their scary resemblance to each other)

Regardless, I have to say that my morning breakfast gave me the fuel I needed to finish in great standing! To be honest, I still had a ton of energy left over after i was done!


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