REALLY?!  It's Christmas day and I just slept for 16 hours today. I feel like maybe I've finally gotten the rest I needed in order to function normally. I think I have bronchitis again, (it all started in college), and i had body aches and a fever all night long.

I guess it's a culmination of so much that's happened this past year and of course it had to come down hard on Christmas day boo...  :(

Luckily, I am feeling much better now and hopefully I'm on the road to a fast recovery.
I promise in the new year to stop stressin' out so much!

AND, it's all about paleo all the time. I noticed that it's the only way that my body feels like it's working at it's best.... because of being sick for a full week and then also being away on awesome snow trips, I haven't worked out in 2 weeks. Time to get my butt in gear.....

WE ARE headed for an awesome 2012! I can feel it!


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