CrossFit 5150

  Amazing! All I can say is that my CrossFit career (shall I say haha) is really falling into place!
I got the official email asking me for my help as a new assistant/trainer for 5150 in Signal Hill/Long Beach, Ca.
  This is such fabulous news! I feel incredibly lucky and incredibly blessed to have such a huge opportunity to start coaching people!
  I just hope that I can become a good coach. I know it won't happen overnight, but in time I know I can be. All I want to do is help better people's lives!

Man, I love CrossFit.



REALLY?!  It's Christmas day and I just slept for 16 hours today. I feel like maybe I've finally gotten the rest I needed in order to function normally. I think I have bronchitis again, (it all started in college), and i had body aches and a fever all night long.

I guess it's a culmination of so much that's happened this past year and of course it had to come down hard on Christmas day boo...  :(

Luckily, I am feeling much better now and hopefully I'm on the road to a fast recovery.
I promise in the new year to stop stressin' out so much!

AND, it's all about paleo all the time. I noticed that it's the only way that my body feels like it's working at it's best.... because of being sick for a full week and then also being away on awesome snow trips, I haven't worked out in 2 weeks. Time to get my butt in gear.....

WE ARE headed for an awesome 2012! I can feel it!



Yes, the results are in!
I came in 34th. So, not the best but good for my first competition.  :D

Here are some pictures from NLI

THE LAX girls: DiSalvo, Shira, Me, and Jamie

Me, Jamie, and Chelsea

Attempting to do double-unders!

Don't we all love pullups and toes 2 bar?!


NLI (Next Level Invitational)

oh boy.. see the 3 wods for NLI.... (GULP...)


Run, distance unknown. Will be revealed day of. 


Athlete must weigh in
Max Hang Snatch in lbs (1RM) in 4 minutes, total weight divided by bodyweight in lbs
rest 1 min
1k cycle for time, damper setting up to athlete

Hang snatch athlete must stand all the way up with the bar (snatch deadlift), then from a hang position, Snatch. The bar cannot retouch the ground once its deadlifted to the hang, but the athlete may lower the bar as low as desired without touching the ground. Press outs are ok. Weight cannot touch shoulders or head. Hang Power Snatch is acceptable. 


For time:
100 doubleunders (each break is 10 airsquats) (Int/Masters no penalty)
20 hspu (females 12 hspu/Masters 10 HSPU/Int 20)
25 powercleans @ 135/95 - Int/Masters: 105
30 toes to bar
35 burpee deadlifts @ 135/95 on bar Int/Masters: 105 
40 pullups
100 doubleunders (each break is 10 airsquats) (Int/Masters no penalty)

Burpee deadlifts are done chest to the bar, no jump required. 

Intermediate/masters females
For time:
75 doubleunders
20 pushpress @ 65
30 powercleans @ 65
20 toes to bar
30 burpee deadlifts off bar @ 65 
20 pullups
75 doubleunders
Burpee deadlifts are done off the bar, without a jump


Pumpkin Choco Chip Cookies

Aiight peoples... it's that time of the the season.

I took this recipe from the food lovers' primal palate, but modified it by putting in less maple syrup. Actually, half the maple syrup from the norm... ENJOY!!!

Pumpkin Spice Cookies

2 cups blanched almond flour
1/2 cup pure pumpkin puree
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup yacon syrup, or maple syrup
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1/2 tsp salt, kosher or sea salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tablespoon pumpkin spice blend
Unsweetened shredded coconut (optional)
Process for Cookies:
Preheat oven to 350.
Blend all ingredients in a large mixing bowl with a hand mixer.
On a parchment lined baking sheet, drop spoonful of batter (about 1-2 tablespoons in size)
Bake for 30-35 minutes.
Let cool and serve.


GETTIN' NLI ready...

     So... I don't have any clue why I am training for such a thing as NLI (Next Level Invitational), but I am. My first CrossFit competition is happening on December 10th in the OC. AHH! A bit nervous and scared, but 3 other girls from our box are also competing so, it's making me feel a little better (even though they are amazing women!)

Today's workout was the following:
Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3
Turkish Get-Up 3-3-3
Each round of TGU is 3 per arm. Goal is to go as heavy as possible while keeping good form and doing the reps with no rest between.
Today my front squat was 83-93-103-103-108
Turkish get up was 1/2 pd, 3/4pd, 3/4pd

THEN, Angela and I did an extra wod
1 rope climb
15 box jumps (20")
15 push press (65#)

I did 4 rounds + rope climb, with 2 rounds being a rope climb attempt.




     Alright, i'm going to start writing not only about food, but also CrossFit since it's become a big part of my life recently. (Recently, meaning in the past 8 months). So this is going to start being a blog/cross fit journal for myself to keep track of my accomplishments.

Our workout today was:

 5 rounds:
 800 m run
 30 kettle bell swings (2 pd/1.5 pd)
 30 pullups

I couldn't RX it today (like most days), but I did 1 pd and came in just under an hour. I think my time ended up being 59:33
All I can say is that this SUCKED.

As always, I am super happy I was able to finish it! Ready for some more pain tomorrow!

Bacon Wrapped Water Chestnuts

    You guys are going to LOVE this one. It's been a hit at every party or gathering I've had or brought these to. Thanks to Dana's mama  :)

Package of Bacon (nitrate free is always good, but buy whatever you want, just not the turkey kind)
Can of WHOLE water Chestnuts
Maple Syrup or Honey (Whatever you have on hand is fine)
Toothpicks (optional)

-Take the long strips of bacon and cut it width-wise in half. Take the half of the strip and cut it lengthwise in half. (1 piece should yield about 4 smaller skinny strips of bacon)
-Take 1 bacon strip and wrap the whole water chestnut around it.
-place each bacon wrapped chestnut on a foil covered cookie sheet
-take your maple syrup or honey and drizzle each little yummy goodness.

-Bake at 400 degrees  for ABOUT 20 minutes or until the bacon looks crispy and ready to eat!
-(optional) stick a toothpick in each one for your guests as a quick little appetizer.

(See below.... looks goood or what?!)

AND another close up for you. to enjoy! Happy holidays!


What's my problem?!!

What is my problem?! it's been months since I've posted (yet again), but I guess I can just take this day by day. I'm finally back to cooking and baking and NOT eating out. Too many times, I've felt the effects of eating crappy food, because I haven't made the time to be healthy. It's time to change. Starting with this next fun party recipe.


Spinach (+ add whatever you want to it) Quiche

If you're reading this, it may be because you want to make this pretty darn good quiche (paleo style). This is really easy to make because there are no real "measurements" to this recipe. No precision necessary!

Well here ya go...

6-7 eggs
1-2 whole bags of spinach
1 package of bacon
1 package of sausages
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper

1 cup (or more) of almond meal
1 egg
pinch salt
pinch pepper
some water

-Heat oven to 350 degrees
-Place slices of bacon on a cookie sheet (season it as you like- hmmm some maple syrup perhaps?)
-Bake for 30 minutes or so (or until you think it's crispy and cooked to your liking)
-Chop up bacon in little bits and put off to the side

-Heat up a skillet with your favorite oil 
-Cut sausage up in little slices
-Cook sausage until nicely brown and then dump 1-2 bags of spinach right into the same skillet. 
-Cook down.
-Make sure you add your favorite seasonings. (salt and pepper work fine for me)

-Put in the chopped up bacon, cooked spinach and sausage mixture in a large bowl.
-Add in the eggs.

-Grease an 8x8 square or pie pan (or whatever you have for that matter).
-In a small bowl, mix 1 egg and 1 cup of almond flour.
-Add salt and pepper.
-At this point, we need for the mixture to look like cookie dough. If it doesn't, add more almond flour. If it seems too stiff, add a little water.
-Scoop in the crust mixture inside the baking pan and spread evenly on the bottom of the pan.  Spread using a large spoon or spatula that has been dabbed with water. (The water prevents the batter from sticking to the back of the utensil)
-Bake for a 3-4 minutes at 350 degrees and take out right away.

-With the crust nearly cooked, add the egg mixture right on top of the crust.
-Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes to 1 hour. 
(This part you will need to monitor after the 45 minutes have past. In my experience, the middle of the Quiche took waaay long to cook, so just make sure the middle is cooked through before you take it out of the oven)



It's been a while since I posted

Alright guys...

It's been a long time since I posted anything up. But I do have a reason that I am finally posting again.. I wanted to say thank you to all of my  LAX CrossFit peeps.

Not to be all emo and sentimental, but you guys are awesome and thank you for encouraging me and being so supportive!

Love you all!

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