Oh and forgot to mention, forget the vegetarian diet. I'm already over it, and it's only been a week.
I need good sources of protein dangit! I like fish.. maybe I stick with seafood instead.... I do know that I would like to clean my system of meat just for the time being.

I think a veggie diet would work for me, but it's just really hard to gauge how things would be based on  the fact that Im completely sedentary and I just feel unhealthy because I haven't stepped foot in a gym for nearly 3 weeks and haven't really worked out HARD, since this injury first happened. This was the end of August. Over 2 months ago.

Not going to lie, it's getting me a bit depressed and I can physically see my muscles turning into jello.

Ugh. But I'm trying to keep positive. We'll see how the next week holds up.


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